
Home/Tag: agreement

The Return of Apportionment Before Permanency

PRACTICE TIP:  Under compelling circumstances, an apportionment can be implemented with regard to medical and indemnity treatment prior to a finding of MMI/permanency.   In the Full Board Panel Decision of Robert Macvie Inc., WCB G2036125 (8/11/20), the NYS WCB considered whether apportionment is appropriate prior to a finding of permanency.  In [...]

The Return of Apportionment Before Permanency2023-04-27T13:23:11-04:00

All or Nothing: Dealing with the WCB’s New Section 32 Guidance

Practice Tip: When seeking to have the claimant sign a Resignation Agreement or General Release, it must now be included in the Section 32 agreement. You need to consider whether its inclusion might jeopardize approval of the Section 32.   When settling workers’ compensation claims by a Section 32 agreement, some employers [...]

All or Nothing: Dealing with the WCB’s New Section 32 Guidance2022-03-31T10:47:41-04:00